User's guide for iConvert



Convert to DWG

1. Convert to DWG
Converts the checked drawings to AutoCad dwg and saves them to the destination folder.
If a document with the same namealready exists in the destination folder, than the conversion of this one is skipped.

Convert to PDF

2. Convert to PDF
Converts checked drawings to PDF documents and saves them to destination folder.
If a document with the same name already exists in the destination folder, then the convertion of this one is skipped.


3. Overwriting
Opens a pop-up menu with the following options
  • Overwrite if the document already exists: all files will be re-exported
  • Do not overwrite if the document already exists: the files already present are not re-exported

Outbound Location

4. Outbound Location
Opens a pop-up menu with the following options
  • Same location: Converts the files and saves them to the same location as the original. If you use Inventor's DWG drawings, convertions will have the suffix " - C"
  • Same structure but other location: Converts the files and saves them to a folder structure identical to the original but that resides in a different location on the computer
  • Single folder: Converts the files and saves them all to a folder chosen by the user
  • According to the order of the list: Converts the files and saves them according to the order in which they are divided in the Inventor's list. Each assembly generates a new folder

Search for drawings in

5. Search for drawings in
Opens a pop-up menu with the following options
  • Search in the same location of the model (search drawings only in the folder where the model is located)
  • Search throughout the work space (search drawing within the entire workspace)

Quantity Entry

Opzion disabled
Opzion enabled: the quantities of pieces for each drawing are printed at the position indicated in the settings menu


7. Settings
Opens the settings windows where you can set coordinates for the quantity text representation
After you have set the coordinates, it is recommended that you perform a test print


8. Help
Open online help
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